At the dawn of one strange day, a day of which no mortal remembers, an anomaly- all together cold and yet profoundly alive- found its way from the endless space to the surface of earth. It was something, some Thing- silence that listened intently, an empty home teeming with ghosts, a warm, breathing empty space. A silent ticking of a heartbeat, if it was a heart, softly echoing from a place practically unreachable to all hands but few, that can only be described as 'the void'.

It traveled here, to our humble planet, from unfathomable depths, or a mysterious universe. . . we have yet to know. How did it find us, all the way out here? Perhaps it was simply passing by, a traveling comet, and found itself snagged in the net of humanity- perhaps curiosity tempted the beast out of the undergrowth and play pretend with the prey. Perhaps this is a form of punishment, for all limitlessness begs to be limited at least once in anothers eyes; was it anothers jealousy, was it warranted? Is this some sort of prophecy that must be fulfilled, gone unspoken? Even the entity is not sure. It came here, homesick, confused, exhausted- and finally woke up- through the eyes of a small, temporary body, in loving arms it would soon call 'mother'.

What does it mean to be human? A question that began it all. It remains unanswered, or it already has, and this being has yet to find it. Either way, this is the ultimate test of any infinite sentience- how far would you go to obtain knowledge that no one else of your kind can get? Just how valuable is mortal life- is that value enough to justify filling their shoes? If any of this strange kind could have been sent on this mission of flesh and bone, why did it have to be them? It wishes it could reach back out for the black, and hope a claw of memory would find its hand, but it only finds darkness, endless, in all directions. How to articulate to this species, what it means to be something virtually incomprehensible? How do you explain what it means to simply be? Humans do not understand any of this, their words are erasable, and so are their lives. The entity remains quiet. There is no one else to talk to.

Lesson zero on the booklet of being mortal.