Somewhere, in darkened depths of eternal silence, a rather quiet system peacefully lives- consisting of 2-3 fictive introjects and 1 host by the name of "Raven"- simply called “The Void”. Estimates of when “The Void” began to form are placed around 2010/2011- the summer of 2011 having the first prominent 'self-awareness' of the matter, as far as they can recall. In this particular system, the host is the one in control a vast majority of the time, with flecks of shifts scattered throughout depending on the circumstances. The identities, rather, prefer to be more active within the consciousness out of sight, and mostly share their blights through internal voices in trains of thoughts and actions via partial shifts.

“The Void” is a collective that highly values privacy, thus seeing them 'in the flesh' is quite a rare sight- but they are certainly alive. They are not active in DID communities / circles, and have generally no desire to do so. The members wish for others to respect their means to refrain from speaking about these matters publicly, and understand that things like personal experiences and medical information are not the business of the general populace. Despite this!- they offer a kind hello to their fellow systems. We see you happily, & it is so nice to meet you. :-)
Find out about each member by the emotes located at the top left corner.